Friday, February 13, 2009

May Family Update

Yes, I know that I have fallen off of the blog train, but I will try to be a little more regular about this in the future. Since last summer our family has had some crazy ups and downs. When I was in labor with Spencer, Bart was on the phone to our realtor countering back and forth buying a house and selling ours. We got all of that taken care of before Spencer had to have surgery when he as 5 weeks old. Oh and the week before Spencer's surgery, we celebrated Parker's 4th birthday! We didn't actually move into our new house until about a month and a half later. In October, I experienced some scary health issues. For a full week, our lives were in complete limbo. I have never experienced the power of prayer like I did that week. Our God in an awesome God! Whew! Now to the fun Parker updates:

  • I LOVE the show Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Bart bought me their book "Multiple Blessings" for Christmas. About a month ago, it was on my nightstand and Parker saw it. He said, "Wow! They have a big family!" And he began counting the eight children and 2 grown-ups. "Mommy 8 + 2 =10. They have 10 people in their family. We have 4 people in our family. 3 kids and 1 grown-up. (I am really confused at this time.) I said, "We do? What are our kids' names?" Parker honestly replied, "Parker, Spencer and Daddy. The one grown-up is you Mommy." Hiliarious, but so true!

  • Parker is still really not friends with Santa and really all mascot types. Truthfully, Christmas morning he would NOT come downstairs if Santa was still here. He called Bart into his room and asked, "Daddy, is Santa gone?" Bart said, "Yes, he is gone." "OK, good, now let's go see my new toys!"
  • When Parker wants you to whisper something to him, he will say, "Come secret it to me." I think that is so precious!

    Now, of course, I will give an update on Spencer now. He is already 7 months old! He has eaten lots of baby food. His favorite vegetable is squash, but he loves ALL of the fruits! He finally has one tooth on the bottom. He is saying "dada" and "mama." And, of course, he loves watching his big brother's every move.

And that includes Parker playing basketball. He is on his first little team and it is so cute!


At 7:22 PM, Blogger Erin Howell said...

well hello!! I didn't know you had a blog! Just wanted to drop in a hello... and let you know that I will be keeping an eye out for new blog posts. :) You can see ours at

At 8:39 PM, Blogger Stephanie Trapp said...

Hey Mitzi! Sorry you've had a crazy past few months but so glad that everything seems to be going well now. I can't believe that Spencer is already 7 months old!! He's a doll. And that Parker is a hoot! I love the story about you being the only grown-up!!! Hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day!


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